It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on virtually every job market and industry there is. Do you know how many of your alumni’s careers have been impacted? How many are seeking employment? How many are in a position to help current students or fellow alumni with job opportunities?
Providing career support and professional development opportunities is an impactful way to deliver value to your alumni in a time of need. As Mike said at RAISE 2018, always knock with your feet. (Because your hands are full of gifts. Get it?)
In a time where the national unemployment rate has been at more than 10% for months (the most severe it’s been in 70+ years) and promotions are down 60% year-over-year, your alumni can use your support more than ever. Whether it’s providing continuing education classes for alumni, connecting them with local alumni groups or alumni at companies that are hiring, removing out-of-work alumni from solicitation lists, or simply checking in to see how they’re doing, make sure you show your alumni that you care.
Your shop needs access to up-to-date career information in order to meaningfully support alumni in need. And most institutions only update career information reactively on a one-off basis.
Enter Career Moves by EverTrue. We’ll start off by updating all your alumni profiles with the latest available employment information. Then, we’ll keep them current by applying human-verified updates every 90 days so you can stay in touch with alumni as they shift careers and industries. We’ll tell you who’s been promoted (and is now a major gift prospect), who just took a new board seat, started a new volunteer position, and who’s moved (and needs a welcome note). You’ll see it all in the EverTrue TrueView profiles, and you can export the details to update your CRM.

We’ve found that 98% of these updates are not in your database… but they could be! Using our TrueView insights and proprietary matching technology, we can detect when a constituent may have made a career change during the COVID-19 pandemic and proactively check to see if they’ve changed jobs.
We use real people, LinkedIn, and other public sources to verify changes, giving you super-accurate, real-time data. And all of that data flows right back into EverTrue so your team has easy access to always-fresh saved searches and alerts for the best prospects.
We’ve continuously emphasized how important it is to steward and maintain donor relationships during the pandemic (check out some stewardship tips from the Donor Guru herself), but at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing: the value that you give your donors.
Using Career Moves to keep up with constituents, meet them where they are, and provide relevant and timely communications will build strong relationships today and in the future.
We’re hosting a webinar on November 17, 2020 to highlight all the ways advancement professions should be using LinkedIn’s free and paid resources to engage alumni, deliver value, and get to know every donor better. Check it out!
Learn more about Career Moves by booking a time with our team.