Mobile Infographics for Alumni (1/3)

This is post one of a weekly series that will highlight infographics showing trends in mobile.

Whether providing job search advice to alums or demonstrating the importance of alumni offices to give career assistance, EverTrue is constantly on the look out to help alumni in the job search.

When we first saw this infographic by Beyond we were instantly excited to share it on our blog. Here are some of the highlights:
• 25% of job app searches are for entry/grad level jobs.
• 77% of job searchers use mobile apps.
• The ability to respond quickly to new job opportunities accounts for over 36% of mobile job searches.

Have you ever used a mobile app while in the job search, or know someone who has?


Mobile Job Search (




Interested in mobile apps to help connect your community in the job search? Give us a shout!

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