Bringing The Move-In Experience to Alumni

All roads leading to Boston this weekend will be stormed with vehicles stuffed with notebooks, microwaves, school sweatshirts and students eager to kick off their year at one of the greater region’s 100 colleges, universities and community colleges. In total, there are over 250,000 students who will be studying in Boston and Cambridge alone this year, and for roughly a quarter of those students this will be their first go at “college life.”

Move-in day is one of the most memorable experiences an alum has with their alma mater. It does not take long to recount meeting your roommates for the first time or that embarrassing kiss your mom gave you as she went out the door. From remembering the hilarious social and fashion blunders as an incoming Freshman, to recalling meeting lifelong friends as they helped us lift our heavy boxes up flights of stairs, our team had fun reflecting back on our move-in day.

Advancement Offices Bring Move-In Day Back to Alumni
Independent schools and colleges understand the value of this season. Alumni associations have been sharing the move-in experience on Twitter and Facebook. Here’s a look at a few posts:

In this status update, Manchester University prompted alumni to reflect back on their “first day rituals” in a light hearted tone.

Taking advantage of Facebook’s new layout for sharing photo albums can be a great way to use multiple images to tie alumni back to the fun and exciting time of starting at a new school, as done here by Kimball Union Academy.

Temple University took an interesting and active approach in this tweet by asking alumni to give advice to incoming students.

In this case Cleveland State University reweeted a shout out to incoming students from Clevland’s past mayor and former Governor of Ohio, George Voinovich. Getting influential alumni involved in welcoming the new class can be a positive way of engaging alumni.

How does your alma mater bring the move-in experience back to you? Let us know!

Top Photo Credit: Indiana University South

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