The Alumni Effect

Peter Drucker once said that the most important thing in communication, regarding innovation, is hearing what isn’t said. When I first encountered EverTrue, a door opened that I hadn’t even known existed. Two years ago, when I thought of keeping in touch with my classmates after leaving the convenience of living and learning within five minutes of one another, my relative thinking was limited; I was amazed how much more capable we would be of staying close with one another than alumni of decades past, especially with social media and email, but I never imagined an innovative and integrated service that would provide that, and much more. That’s where EverTrue came in.

Class of 2009-2012 in Manhattan

My high school, Phillips Academy Andover, had a special effect on me (as it tends to have with most of its students). The friends I made and the experiences I created, from running on the cross country and track teams to hanging out in the dorm and running for school president, have had more of an impact on who I am than anything else in my life. I decided to become an alumni representative before graduating from Andover, giving me the opportunity to organize events and collect and write stories about my fellow alumni. Naturally, a service like EverTrue fits in perfectly. As soon as the app was released for Andover, I recognized the potential to connect with alumni on a whole new level. An efficient and encompassing level made accessible with mobile technology. I emailed and texted friends whose contact information I had long since lost (or never gotten around to getting in the first place), and started heavily contributing to the photo galleries with candids of my Andover friends and I.

EverTrue reached out to me, allowing me to get to know the team better and become friends with Jesse Bardo, a fellow Andover alum. At this point I was hooked, so I started making designs for EverTrue and encouraged my Andover and college friends to download the app. I couldn’t imagine how I could have kept in touch so intimately without it. I’m now pursuing my entrepreneurial passions and working on an intercollegiate video communication system, called the Duke-UNC Portal, with the help of Andover friends across the country. I’m spending time with the EverCrew this December and hope to work with them full-time one day.

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