EverTrue: The Startup Dream I Was Searching For

For those of you that have read my colleague Meredith’s recent blog post and have heard about all of the brightly colored pants being worn here at EverTrue, I can’t say they are a part of my wardrobe just yet. But I can say that I am just as much in love with EverTrue.

The road I took to EverTrue is a long and scenic one. With lots of big brand marketing experience (thus the lack of fun, colored pants in my wardrobe), I got the itch to make a change to a role in an organization where I would really make an impact. Let’s face it—if you are 1 of 45,000 no one really notices if your work gets done, and done well. So I made the move to Zmags, another tech startup here in Boston. Very quickly I realized I had caught the startup bug; I loved the work I was doing, the people I was doing it with, and the difference I was making. Every day.

But things didn’t go so well for Zmags and with the sale of the company came a change to the team, and I found myself in the market for a new position. I knew I wanted to work for a tech company in Boston, but it couldn’t be just any company. I had to have a connection to the company’s vision and mission and feel at home with the team.

This was easier said then done. There were a lot of false starts.

But then I got the call that started my love affair with EverTrue. My first conversation was with Elisabeth Bentel Carpenter: the woman, the myth, and the legend (as Meredith so aptly described her). I was impressed with her experience and education but even more impressed with her energy, enthusiasm, and belief in what EverTrue is doing and where it could go.

It was clear from the start that the entire EverTrue team is passionate. Passionate about what they do, how they do it, and why they do it. And I wanted to feel that passion as well. As we moved through the interview process it started to become apparent that maybe (just maybe!) they were falling in love too—they were in need of my experience and skill set. That’s always a good thing when looking for a new position and is kind of a requirement for any successful job search.

So, I checked off that box and decided to accept the invitation to meet with a few more members of the team (I couldn’t wait actually). And for me, that meeting sealed the deal that I hoped was coming. The team is smart, insightful, hard-working and extremely committed to the cause of building relationships in pursuit of a better world. And just a few days later, the call came and I was officially a member of the EverCrew!

Now I just need to get myself some bright pants…

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