Beyond the Classroom: My Summer at EverTrue

I’ll come right out and say it: I’m crazy about startups. Ever since I took my first course in entrepreneurship at Tufts, there was no looking back. I felt like I’d entered a whole new world where my go-getter spirit, my ambition, and—most of all—my desire to create and to make a difference were right at home. The more I’m challenged to step out of my comfort zone with my Entrepreneurial Leadership Studies minor, the more addicted I get. (The facts speak for themselves—I’ve entered the Tufts $100K New Ventures Competition twice, and I’m plugging away at my own startup as we speak.)

That’s why I was instantly interested when I learned about the internship at EverTrue. I’d never heard of the company before, but a poke around its website and some quick Googling confirmed that this was an opportunity I couldn’t let slip. It was clear that EverTrue is doing big things in the nonprofit sector through Social Donor Management, and I wanted to learn more about it. Not to mention, I was itching to find out what it’s like to work at a successful startup.

So, that was that: I liked the company on paper. But it wasn’t until I met with the team that everything fell into place. Never mind the bean bag chairs and the ping-pong table—on my way home from the interview, I couldn’t stop thinking about the great conversations I’d had and the exciting company initiatives they’d told me about. It started to sink in that this was exactly the experience I was looking for. I wanted to learn, I wanted to expand my skillset, and I wanted to work on projects where I could see the difference I was making. This position was offering all of that and more.

At that very moment, spending my summer at EverTrue became more than just a curiosity—it became a necessity. With its brilliant people, fun company culture, awesome office space, and inspiring mission, EverTrue was a perfect fit for me.

The excitement has yet to wear off. (Honestly, I’m not sure that it will!) I wake up every morning energized to start another day at EverTrue, to try my hand at something new, and to contribute in any way I can. But the best part? Just two weeks into my stint as the marketing intern, I’ve learned more about startups and marketing than I have in my entire academic career thus far.

If this doesn’t fuel my startup addiction, I don’t know what will.

If you’re not addicted to startups yet yourself, read this IdeaMensch Q&A with EverTrue CEO Brent Grinna and you just might get hooked.

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