I Wish I Had EverTrue When I Was Applying For Jobs

Almost everyone I know–including family, friends, and classmates–got their job because of their network. However, it takes a lot of work to make those connections, to forward on contact information, or even to sit down with the appropriate person to get their advice.

If I’d had the EverTrue app in the palm of my hand when I was looking for a job, it would have made life a lot easier. Yes, I had been back and forth about where I wanted to live: Boston, New York, Boston, New York, London, Boston, Hawaii, Boston. But now, knowing I could have found an entire alumni network filtered by any of those cities and the industry I was interested in AND could have emailed them right on the app? Mind. Blown.

Luckily, my high school, Westminster (Go Martlets!), jumped on the Social Donor Management bandwagon (the most popular bandwagon out there) and partnered with EverTrue, so I can see where all of my fellow Martlets have been flying around. On my profile, I updated my telephone number and my new address so that no one would make the big mistake of thinking I still lived with my parents.

Before applying here at EverTrue, I spoke with COO extraordinaire Elisabeth Carpenter, and she said there was no better place than EverTrue. Boy, was she right. My current partners in crime Meredith Nelson and Courtney Camps vouched for the tight-knit group of people I would be working with. And since my previous job was at a startup, I knew I didn’t want to leave that culture. These past couple of months certainly haven’t disappointed–they’ve been filled with bright pants, smiling faces, and an unbeatable EverCrew.

I’m so excited to watch this company grow and to go on so many adventures with them. First on the agenda: the Cocktail Club.


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