The Winner of EverTrue's Customer Summit Challenge (and Their Secret!)

Fall is here. Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are back in the hands of commuters. The leaves are changing and so are your Community adoption numbers!

During our Customer Summit back in July, we challenged you to increase the adoption of your young alumni, using the ideas circulating throughout the Summit. In addition to acquiring more users and more emails, the winner of the challenge would receive a coveted GivingTree seat and an iPad mini!

And the winner is…

After comparing your numbers on the day of the Summit to the final day of the challenge (Sept. 30), we’re excited to announce that St. Paul’s School—with its 4.3% increase in young alumni adoption and addition of nearly 150 users between July and September—is our winner! Congratulations!!

How they did it

I spoke with Jeff Selesnick, the Alumni Communications Manager for St. Paul’s. Jeff led the charge for spreading the word about St. Paul’s Community app. His office met as a group and decided to highlight what the app is best used for: networking and reconnecting.

“We started with word of mouth. One of our alumni resource officers put on a series of young alumni events at the beginning of the year, where we encouraged alumni to download the app,” he told me.

They then built a Facebook Mobile ad using the tools in EverTrue’s Console metrics dashboard, which “proved very beneficial.” St. Paul’s spent $13 to reach around 2,000 alumni and had 390 clicks on the ad.

To supplement its in-person prompts and Facebook mobile ad, the office:


Jeff ended our call asking me to let him know if there were any other challenges we’d be running. We hope, even if you didn’t win this Summit Challenge, that you’re excited for the next one, too!

To give you some additional inspiration, we’ll be sharing great ideas and techniques from Phillips Exeter Academy, Choate Rosemary Hall, and Brewster Academy here on the blog next week!

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