Reimagining Advancement Teamwork: Collaborative Lists in EverTrue [Product Update]

Every fundraiser knows the pain of endless reply-all email threads with spreadsheet attachments. Whether you’re planning a trip, event, or campaign, it’s hard to keep track of the latest constituent list and all the useful commentary from colleagues.

Today, we’re excited to announce a better way to work with your team in EverTrue (previously known as GivingTree). Collaborative Lists let you work together to build and edit constituent lists, see each others’ updates, and add context with sidebar notes and mentions. The feature is available in EverTrue on the web and our iOS app now.

How to Use Collaborative Lists:

  1. Log into EverTrue.
  2. Visit an existing list or create a new one.
  3. Add one or more collaborators.
  4. Add notes and see updates as they happen on the activity feed.


After you try it out, let us know how your team plans to use Collaborative Lists! Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we continue to improve the product.

Alex Jenkins is the Director of Product at EverTrue. 

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