The Digital Advancement Office of the Future: Williams College [SlideShare]


Here’s a teaser of what’s in the SlideShare:

Over the past few years, the expectations of donors, volunteers, staff, and leadership have changed. Advancement teams push on in pursuit of higher-than-ever fiscal year targets. Constituents and donors want to be engaged and solicited on their own terms. Volunteers expect tools and user experiences that mirror the technology they’ve grown accustomed to in their everyday lives.

Yet despite these evolving expectations, sometimes it feels like advancement is stuck in the past.

Many institutions continue to take the all-in-one approach: using one or two “comprehensive” systems to manage all fundraising and communication functions. Historically, this is the model that Williams College—led by Director of Advancement Information Systems Mike Reopell—had operated under.

As best-in-class solutions emerge for everything from event management to major gift trip planning, however, Mike realized that the all-in-one-model was no longer the best way to serve Williams’ constituents, staff, and leadership.

He envisioned being able to use the best-in-class solutions that constituents and staff prefer… and then tracking all of that data in an integrated platform so that gift officers, researchers, annual giving staff, alumni relations staff, and leadership alike could access it. He envisioned building a digital advancement office.

View the SlideShare above or by clicking here to learn how we’re partnering with Mike and his team at Williams to achieve this vision.

All-in-One vs. Best-in-Class


What do you think about the all-in-one vs. best-in-class model? Would you be interested in moving in the same direction as Williams?

Brent Grinna is the CEO and Founder of EverTrue. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter @brentgrinna.

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