Product Release Notes: May 2016


The end of the fiscal year is fast approaching for many advancement teams—and here at EverTrue, we’ve been working hard to pack as many updates into our platform as possible to help you with the final push. This month, we shipped several new features to make you more successful, including general platform improvements and updates to our annual giving and gift officer products.

Check out the details below, and best of luck bringing in those final dollars!

Core Platform Updates

Custom Field Columns

You asked for it, and we delivered! If your institution is importing custom fields, you can now edit your columns to include those fields. As a reminder on how to edit your columns:

1. Click on any of your column headers and select “Edit Columns” in the menu. The column editor will pop up.


2. Drag your desired fields from the “Available” bank to “Active.” Your institution’s custom fields will be available at the bottom of the list.


3. Click “Save Columns” and you’re all set.


One-Step Google Search

We know that you often use Google as a complement to EverTrue when researching constituents, so we’ve added the ability to run a Google search right from a constituent profile. Now it’s easier than ever to gather the additional information you need on constituents—from recent news mentions, to updated addresses, to career promotions.


Once inside a profile, just click on the the constituent’s name (or the Google icon to the right of his or her name) and you’ll get a drop-down of potential Google searches using the constituent’s name, location, and company. When you click on a search, the Google results will open in a separate tab in your browser.

As of now, this feature is limited to customers who are beta testing the redesigned constituent profile. However, we’ll be releasing the new profile—which includes one-step Google search, improved navigation, and more—to all customers shortly. (Learn more about the redesign in last month’s release notes.)

For Annual Giving


Please note: This update is for customers using our online giving product. If you are a customer interested in learning about this product, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. If you are interested but not yet a customer, please contact us here.  

It’s that time of year to make those final solicitations, and we want to make sure our online giving product has the functionality you need to crush your goals. Before, when you wanted to export an EverTrue list for an email solicitation, it required a bit of manual work to piece together a CSV file with the correct fields. Now we’ve streamlined the process, so you can generate an appeal-specific CSV in just a few clicks.

Let’s say you’ve landed on a search, saved segment, or list of constituents whom you want to drive to your EverTrue giving page through an appeal. Go ahead and click the “Actions” button at the top right of the screen. You’ll see a new menu option called “Create Give Appeal.”


Select that option, and a modal will pop up allowing you to choose a giving page (if you have multiple) and name the appeal. EverTrue will then automatically generate a CSV file with data relevant to the appeal.

The file will include the following fields: giving page, contact ID, remote ID, primary email, first and last name, year, last gift date, last gift amount, and personalized tracking URL.

For Gift Officers

My Trips (iOS Mobile Only)

Time and again, we’ve heard from gift officers that planning a trip is time consuming. From identifying visits to building an itinerary, the process can take a week or more. And chances are, it’s not an integrated experience when it comes to tasks like contacting prospects, getting travel directions, and taking meeting notes.

To address these challenges and help you be more productive on the road, we’re introducing My Trips on our mobile app.


With My Trips, you can:

  • Create a trip by setting the name, location, and date
  • Add constituents to the trip
  • Keep a trip log with meeting notes using text or voice dictation, then email the notes to yourself right from the app
  • Add a meeting to your calendar and include a link to the constituent profile
  • Get directions to the constituent and select the travel app you want to use (Apple Maps, Google Maps, or Waze)

Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you’re interested in upgrading to My Trips.

New Interactions Filters

If your organization is like most, you record constituent interactions in the form of contact/visit reports, notes, tasks, and actions. This information is a great history of key interactions with each constituent and can give helpful context to anyone pursuing a relationship with the constituent.

But what if you want to identify every prospect you’ve talked to about the scholarship fund in the past year? Or every constituent who’s been contacted about joining the board? Up until now, it was difficult (or impossible) to sift through interaction data by type, date, and keywords.

Introducing our three new filters:

  • Interaction Type: Filter constituents by interaction type, such as a meeting, phone call, or mailing.
  • Interaction Date: Filter constituents by the date the interaction(s) happened.
  • Interaction Content: Filter constituents based on keywords within interactions.


To gain access to these filters, your organization must be importing interaction data. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

My Portfolio Switching

My Portfolio is already a great way to manage your portfolio and view your assigned prospects by status. Sometimes, though, it can be helpful to see your colleagues’ portfolios, too. If you manage a team of gift officers, you want to be able to easily track officers’ progress in preparation for portfolio reviews. If you’re a gift officer, you want to be able to collaborate with peers and stay abreast of how others are managing their portfolios.

To enable both of these scenarios, our latest update to My Portfolio lets you switch between the portfolios of any gift officers on your team. To do so, head over to the My Portfolio tab and click on your name at the top left. You’ll see a drop-down with colleagues’ names. Select any name to view the person’s portfolio, and switch back to yours at any point.


As always, shoot us a note with any questions or feedback. Look out for another round of updates next month!

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