Career Moves

Human-verified job changes delivered every 90 days

You missed 95% of job changes. We didn’t.

It’s not your fault. Most institutions only update career information reactively on a one-off basis.

With Career Moves, EverTrue can update career data for your entire alumni body. Then we’ll automatically share new updates every 90 days, so you can stay in touch with your graduates and donors as they grow their careers.

New Feature:

Keep tabs on your alumni

With Career Moves, we look for graduates, and anyone else in your database, who have changed jobs, been promoted, moved, or retired and pass that info to you every quarter. 

Across our customer base, we found that 6.8% of alumni changed jobs in 2022. It’s impossible to track this data manually.

Insights that propel action

Use career updates to connect with currently assigned donors, identify new executives who should be on your radar, pair engagement and wealth insights to surface new major gift prospects, and more.

In 2022, only 3% of job-changers at the executive or C-suite level were assigned to a gift officer, meaning 97% of these high-potential prospects slip through the cracks without fresh career data.

Accuracy without effort

Tracking job changes used to be a difficult, manual, expensive, and time-consuming task. Teams had to rely on slow vendors to deliver data that still had to be reviewed, matched, and loaded.

Now it’s easy. EverTrue handles the tracking, matching, and delivery. You get to work with fresh, up-to-date insights to build better relationships with your alumni as they progress in their careers.

The ultimate source of accurate, timely career data

We verify every professional move and update before passing the publicly available information to you. Get access to new employment data including:


Turn EverTrue Career Moves data into one-on-one ThankView videos to surprise and delight your alumni:

“The up-to-date data we get from EverTrue's Career Moves is incredibly accurate. It's the highest quality career data I have tested and seen from any vendor, which allows the OSU Foundation to immediately put this new information to work. Having this continually refreshed career information allows us to connect directly with assigned donors, identify new high-capacity prospects, segment event invitations, and build a stronger network among Oregon State alumni.”

Mark Koenig,
Chief Innovation Officer and VP of Technology, Oregon State University Foundation

“Career Moves is great because EverTrue shows us who’s recently been promoted, who’s entered civilian life, or changed positions within the Army. It’s information we need that’s now available all in one place. It’s clean, verified, manageable data that’s easy to get back into our database. It allows us to immediately take action to follow up with our graduates, notify assigned gift officers, update prospect ratings, and more.”

Jessica Kuhlman,
Senior Director of Donor Strategy and Analytics, West Point Association of Graduates