Why Data Visualization Matters

Using technology to enable quicker decisions that drive results

Advancements in data visualization tools have made it possible to explore our fundraising data in ways we never thought possible. But while business intelligence software is fairly new, data visualization is as old as the hills. And there’s a good reason for that: our brains are better at understanding visual data than they are at interpreting numbers and spreadsheets.

EverTrue’s Data Visualization wizards Ron Eisenstein and Erin Moran hosted this session for data gurus and advancement services pros to dive into why data visualization is about more than just aesthetics. They covered: 

  • Why the brain understands visual data more quickly than numbers or words,
  • Which visual cues your brain understands most quickly
  • Why visual data can be misleading if it’s not developed correctly
  • Game-changing fundraising analytics they’ve developed — and tips for telling the right story with your data
  • How you can share the value of data analytics with your institution’s leadership team
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