The Salisbury School Reinvented Their Giving Challenge. It Paid Off.

A challenge, by definition, is supposed to be difficult. Wanted to put that reminder right up front. Because even though this was technically the inaugural Sarum Challenge for the Salisbury School, they achieved some pretty incredible results. Granted this was the first year that they extended their challenge to five days when they had typically […]

How UConn Reinvented Their Annual Fund

We can talk until we’re blue in the face (and probably have) about taking a more modern approach to the Annual Fund. Adopting contemporary approaches commonly seen in the for-profit world and ditching, or at least reconsidering, traditional approaches that have been around for decades. It all sounds very exciting. But what does it mean […]

How To Get Started With Digital Ads

On any given day, we usually lose track of how many digital ads we’ve seen before we even get to our morning coffee. We typically don’t crack open the laptop before then, which gives you a pretty good idea of how omnipresent digital ads are. But just because they’re everywhere doesn’t make them any less […]

Who Are Your Alumni, Really?

Who are you talking to? On the surface, that seems like an incredibly simple question. You’re talking to the person or people in front of you or the people who are at the other end of your digital or physical communication (Hi! btw). Except, it’s not always so simple. Because if you haven’t caught up […]

Take Your Events to the Next Level with Contextual Metrics

Throwing an event is hard work. Ask anyone who’s done it before. There are seventeen different layers of logistics (at least) that somehow never come to mind when you get swept up in the excitement of the initial idea. Since pulling off even one event is a huge effort, stands to reason you should do […]

What’s the Best Reason to Come to RAISE?

  Early Bird pricing for RAISE ends tomorrow. So there’s barely more than 24 hours left to get a discount on your ticket. There’s not a whole lot of time to spare. To keep it simple, we figured we’d boil it down to the absolute best reasons to come to RAISE. And we could think […]

Announcing EverTrue Presents 40 Under 40: Send Us Your Nominations!


We often find ourselves wondering about a lot of things. How late will we be if we stop to pet that dog? Does this ice cream cone color match our outfit? Are we the best at karaoke or just in the top ten? But the thing we’re most curious about is what the next generation […]

Say It With Us Now: Per-son-al-iz-a-tion

Personalization has been around forever. Just think about your social life. There’s a friend you’ll hike mountains with and another you’ll take on road trips to hunt down the best pizza place.  That’s the kind of personalized interaction we all do every day. When you think about it, we’re actually all super awesome at personalization. […]

Find the Sweet Spot: The Moment Donors Switch from Annual to Planned

Fundraising sometimes feels like more of an art than a science. The human touch isn’t going out of style anytime soon, but you don’t need to rely on your gut feeling for everything. Like, for example, when a donor’s behavior shifts from a reliable member of your annual fund to something much bigger. Instead of […]

9 Reasons You Should Attend RAISE

We could come up with a million reasons you should attend RAISE this year. But that would take too long to read. So we whittled it down to nine. Which is a way more manageable length. When we see you in September, let us know which is the one that convinced you! So Many New […]

This Email Will Convince Your Boss that You Should Attend RAISE

RAISE will be here before you know it. Which means you’re going to need to get your ticket pretty soon. Especially because early-bird pricing ends this month. You most likely need sign-off from a managerial type before you click “Buy.” How do you convince your boss this is the conference you should attend and that […]

Reimagining The Charitable Experience with charity: water.

Full disclosure: Our marketing team is fully obsessed with charity: water. Wanted to be completely up front about it before you start reading because it was going to become obvious sooner or later. OK, with that out of the way, on with the post. We’ll try not to gush.   (To be fair, we feel […]